Saturday, February 23, 2008


Well, with a little "please and thank you" we have convinced our landlords to put a slight hold on their plans to put up this house for sale. Considering how the market is, it is going to sit unsold for quite a while anyway. So YAY! We get to stay until the end of June. Hopefully, by then we'll know where the military is sending us. As of yet, we know nothing. Frustrating to say the least. BUT I am very happy that the added pressure of having to find a temporary home for 4 months! that was stressing us out big time!

Miss Abby has decided that she would now like to be the crabby child in the house. She's been driving us a little crazy with her shrieking and her NO NO NO! But thank goodness there's a simple reason for this. She is getting her second set of molars. She's not the easiest with teething. But at least there's a light at the end of the tunnel for little miss Crabby Abby! (oh, geez, at least I hope so! LOL!)
