Sunday, May 17, 2009

Baby "B"

Today was my first newborn shoot. Well, it was just taking pics for a friend's baby for free... but still. I was nervous as heck. He's at a hard to shoot age. Almost 5 weeks. He was squirmy and wiggly, and not ultra sleepy. Made life a little harder than taking pics of a 1 week old that will let you bend them and pose them, and will still stay asleep.
But all in all, I'm happy with what I got. and the thing that counts the most is that the parents love them. :)
Here's a few of BabyB.


Vanessa Monday, May 18, 2009 1:16:00 PM  

Oh you did a GREAT job!! What cute little pics! I LOVE THEM!!! Babies are hard...but once they finally go to sleep...then the fun can begin haha! The color is awesome too :)

Carebear Monday, May 18, 2009 4:44:00 PM  

Wow - those are great. Love the second shot down and the shot of daddy kissing. And LOL at the tongue sticking out. I have no doubt that the parents adore these photos - Great job!